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ESU Scotland has the privilege and pleasure to work with a variety of people from all walks of life, who support us by judging, mentoring, and becoming members. To assist in our work, you can get involved in any of the following ways outlined below.
The ESU Scotland is seeking out 2-3 new trustees!
This is a very exciting time for our organisation, and we're looking for trustees to help us realise and develop our vision further. In particular, we are interested in recruiting trustees under the age of 25 and trustees who have previously participated in our programmes.
Find more information about this exciting opportunity here. The deadline for applications is 30th September 2020.
Come and get involved with debating by becoming a judge for our debating and public speaking competitions. We can provide training.
Our Debate Mentors support debating in schools by helping with coaching and workshops and at our annual St Andrew's Day Tournament. Great fun and very rewarding!
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