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Reports on current thinking and practice in the field of Oracy and reports from the Walter Hines Page Scholarship, which is generously supported by EIS and, recently, a bequest from Miss Evelyn Small, allows Scottish teachers to travel to the U.S. to research their area of interest. 

A collection of essays by teachers, academics and educational thinkers on the importance of oracy in education. The voices present a range of perspectives but all share an understanding of how vital it is for schools to pay attention to the explicit development of speaking and listening skills in their students.

Commissioned by The English-Speaking Union.

Andrew McNeil, 2017-18 Page Scholar, looks at Dialogic Teaching in both Scotland and the US and examines whether this technique is beneficial to pupils.

Julie Ann McGhee, a teacher from Our Lady's High School in Motherwell and 2016 Page Scholar, researched literacy across the curriculum.

2011 Page Scholar, Ros Marshall, looks at outdoor learning and sustainable development education within the nursery and primary sector, and the links between outdoor play and learning and the health of both children and the planet.

2009 Page Scholar, Marguerite Edwards, researches Professional Learning Communities, exploring the perceptions surrounding the areas of collaboration and collaborative practice.

Elspeth Stewart, 2007 Page Scholar, looks at ways in which EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils are supported in accessing the curriculum, and what training programmes are in place for both EAL teachers and mainstream teachers. 

You can also read Elspeth's articles for the SEJ.

2005 Page Scholar, Morag MacInnes, asks "What is philosophy and how can it be done with very young children?" To answer this she travels to IAPC (The Institute for the Advancement for Philosophy for Children) at Montclair State University.

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This report, by Will Millard and Loic Menzies, examines the current state of oracy in schools across the UK. It synthesises existing research on oracy, and explores teachers’ understanding of what oracy is, why it matters, how oracy is supported in classrooms and schools, and the main barriers to oracy.

Commissioned by Voice 21.

​Adam Alexander was the 2013 recipient of the Walter Hines Page Scholarship. Adam researched ways in which Early Years providers in North America support parents with parenting skills.  

2010 Page Scholar and Lecturer in Vocal Studies at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Helen Lawson, looks at areas of excellence in vocal training in the U.S., a country which produces highly able singers and performers.

Elsie Dougan, 2008 Page Scholar, looks at strategies for supporting and challenging able pupils and compares practices in Scotland and the U.S. Here is her article for the Scottish Educational Journal.

2006 Page Scholar, Ann Fisher, reports on her visit to the U.S. to look at Gifted and Special Educational programmes. Here is her article for the Scottish Educational Journal. 

Gordon Lobban, 2005 Page Scholar and Principal Teacher Curriculum Support, visited the US to research good practices in teaching and learning. Here is the article he wrote for the Scottish Educational Journal. 

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To EIS (Educational Institute of Scotland) and the Evelyn Small Bequest for supporting the Walter Hines Page Scholarship, and for allowing these articles to be shared here. 

For more information about the Walter Hines Page Scholarship, please have a look at our Page Scholarship page.

Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY  0131 475 2332 

Scottish charity number: SC000653


© 2019 by ESU Scotland 

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